Thursday, February 25, 2010

tested CPAN last night

If you want to test CPAN works as advertised, install MojoMojo. I did it last night, and it worked, even though there are hundreds (or so it seems :) ) dependencies. I installed it in my home, so this evening I'll delete the ~/perl5 directory and start again, this time taking notes: once a few of those dependencies, some from CPAN and some *-dev packages, are installed, the whole "cpan MojoMojo" should work nicely, and you'll have only to watch from time to time for prompts from tests.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

use Devel::NYTProf with CGI and apache

put these lines in the apache virtualhost config file:

SetEnv NYTPROF "file=/tmp/nytprof.out"
SetEnv PERL5OPT "-d:NYTProf"

the output from Devel::NYTProf will go to /tmp/nytprof.out

Saturday, January 23, 2010

undefined symbol: apreq_handle_apache2

solution from here

symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/perl5/auto/APR/Request/Apache2/ undefined symbol: apreq_handle_apache2

Make sure you load the apreq module in your apache2 config file:

LoadModule apreq_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

In debian there is a file in /etc/apache2/mods-available called
apreq.load. Just link that to your
/etc/apache2/mods-enabled directory and restart apache2

HTML::Mason and apache issues

this was copied from somebody else, but I did not keep the reference ...

while atempting to upload files in html::mason the response is only "End of file found":

solution: add this to the vhost configuration file

PerlSetVar MasonArgsMethod mod_perl

explanation: it seems HTML::Mason is using CGI to deal with post/get by default, and when CGI is done with post/get, there is nothing left for apreq to work with; the line tells HTML::Mason to use mod_perl to deal with the args

I18N for HTML::Mason

in the folder where I keep the virtual host data:

locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/ is where the file goes

drwxrwxr-x 1 emilper www-data 4096 2010-01-22 04:53 apache_conf
drwxrwxr-x 1 emilper www-data 4096 2010-01-22 05:48 htdocs
drwxrwxr-x 1 emilper www-data 4096 2008-07-16 18:37 lib
drwxr-xr-x 1 emilper emilper 4096 2010-01-22 02:33 locale
drwxrwxr-x 1 emilper www-data 4096 2008-07-19 02:13 log
drwxrwxr-x 1 emilper www-data 4096 2010-01-22 04:54 mason

in my Apache VirtualHost config:

PerlSetVar GettextLocalesDir /home/www/mysite/locale/
PerlSetVar GettextDomain messages

in my Mason request class (MasonRequestClass set in apache conf) :

$self->{'i18n'} = Locale::gettext->domain($self->apache_req->dir_config('GettextDomain'));


sub _t {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
return $self->{'i18n'}->get($string);

in my code:

$page_title = $m->_t("String to translate");

As of now, I have difficulties persuading xgettext to extract the strings from autohandlers, .mas files, and .html files. Until I write my own extractor, I add the strings by hand to a "messages.po" file, which I compile to a "" file that can be used by gettext with:

msgfmt messages.po