Saturday, January 12, 2019

vector operations in D

Up to a few years ago I was of the breed that spawns code fated to wait for requests for most of it's life so really bothering with optimizing it is not cost effective. Then I stumbled into the one million to one situations which warranted a lecture about how many of my monthly wages a server upgrade is worth. It was revealed to me that adding more memory to that particular server was worth what was spent on me over more than 6 months, and as a result I had suddenly become interested in optimization. The story ended with that particular call being upgraded from finishing in more than 4 hours to finishing in less than 5 minutes and in me starting to have real doubts about the meme regarding the cost ratio hardware/developer time.

This is the context. The meat of the issue is Dlang has a very easy to use way to let the compiler decide how operations on arrays should be done based on what is available to it at compile time: Array Operations . Testing the performance gains was done according to Other Dev tools: Valgrind Helper . Screenshots are of KCachegrind.

The code:

module tests.vector_operations;

void main(){

void test_vector() {
    int[1000000] test;
    int[] result;
    result[] = test[] + 1;

void test_loop() {
    int[1000000] test;
    int[1000000] result;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < test.length; i++) {
        result[i] = test[i] + 1;
Compiling, running valgrind, demangling
$ dmd -g vector_operations.d 
$ valgrind --tool=callgrind --dump-instr=yes --collect-jumps=yes --callgrind-out-file=callgrind_out ./vector_operations
$ ddemangle callgrind_out > callgrind_out.demangled
Inspecting the results in KCachegrind:

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

porting old code from Note.js to D v2

Since about august I started porting code from Node.js to Dlang. Node.js is nice enough but the ecosystem has a Jurassic-going-on-Cretacic flavour to it.

I guess I no longer start drooling when I see templates and I don't swoon when having to deal with strong and strict typing, though templates help a lot and without them I'd have very probably given up and returned to Perl 5.

Here is the code: . I started with the naive algorithms from the original code and I am moving away to more formal ways of linear algebra, and already know more about it than I ever did. Again, dlang templates are worth *my* weight in gold :) , reusing code between more symbolic matrices and numeric matrices is worth the efort learning about dlang templates.