PREREQ_PM => { 'Moose' => 2, 'Mason' => 2.20, 'Plack' => 1, }then
cpanm --installdeps .
PREREQ_PM => { 'Moose' => 2, 'Mason' => 2.20, 'Plack' => 1, }then
cpanm --installdeps .
So, you run Catalyst on mod_perl in a virtual host, but logs will not go where you expect them to go, which is to the log file defined in the virtual host.
This is the cause: all STDERR output send by mod_perl via core functions such as warn get dumped in the default Apache log (most likely at /var/log/apache2/error_log or /var/log/httpd/error_log). To send to the virtual host log you need to read this: Apache2::Log : Virtual Hosts
Add this option to the virtual host apache config file:
PerlOptions +GlobalRequestThen make a custom logger object in your base Catalyst class, or override the log class with
__PACKAGE__->log( Blah::Logger->new({debug => 1}) );and in the methods you call there use something like this
# # emerg(), alert(), crit(), error(), warn(), notice(), info(), debug() use Apache2::RequestUtil; my %map = ( info => 'info', warning => 'warn', error => 'error', debug => 'debug', summary => 'info', ); sub warning { my ($self, $message, $message_type) = @_ ; my $r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request(); my $method = $map{$message_type} || 'error'; $r->log->$method($message); }This $r->log->$method($message) will send the log to the virtual host log.
To have all the warnings sent there, add this to the main class of your catalyst app.:
use Apache2::RequestUtil; around dispatch => sub { my ($orig, $self) = (shift,shift); local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { my $r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request(); $r->log_error(@_); }; return $self->$orig(@_); };This last trick will not fix the default Catalyst logging: as of now, Catalyst::Log uses "print STDERR" to dispatch your debug, info, warn etc. messages.
print STDERR will still send to the default apache log, and here is one solution:
in your main Catalyst class add the following
use MyApp::Log::STDERRHandler; ... around dispatch => sub { my ($orig, $self) = (shift,shift); tie(*STDERR, 'MyApp::Log::STDERRHandler'); ...and create this:
package MyApp::Log::STDERRHandler; use strict; use warnings; use Apache2::RequestUtil; use Data::Dumper; # # emerg(), alert(), crit(), error(), warn(), notice(), info(), debug() # map Catalyst error levels to Apache error levels my %map = ( # Apache::Log debug prints the name of the module that sends # the message; in this case the information is useless debug => 'info', info => 'info', warn => 'warn', error => 'error', fatal => 'crit', ); sub TIEHANDLE { my $class = shift; return bless {} , $class; } sub PRINT { my ($self, @data) = @_; my $r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request(); # try to intercept Catalyst::Log calls, # which should begin with [info] etc. # Catalyst gathers all the log messages in a buffer # then prints them all at once my @chunks = (); # just in case there is more than one piece of data # Catalyst should send only one bunch of lines, but you never know foreach my $m (@data) { my @lines = split "\n", $m; @chunks = (@chunks, @lines) if @lines; } for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#chunks; $i++) { my $log_level = '[info]'; if ($chunks[$i] =~ /^\[(debug|info|warn|error|fatal)\]/ ) { $log_level = $1; } # uncomment this if you want to remove the original Catalyst log levels #if ($log_level) { # my $remove_catalyst_log_level = '[' . $log_level . ']'; # $chunks[$i] =~ s/^\[(debug|info|warn|error|fatal)\]//i; #} $log_level ||= 'error'; my $method = $map{$log_level} || 'error'; $r->log->$method($chunks[$i]); } } 1;
git clone --branch live git://
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "" > differences.diff;
declare -A SKIP_TABLES
for i in `mysql $DB_ORIGINAL --skip-column-names -e "show tables" | awk '{print $1}'`;
echo "looking at " $i;
echo "TABLE " $i >> differences.diff
mysqldump --no-data $DB_MODIFIED $i > $i.definition.modified.sql;
mysqldump --no-data $DB_ORIGINAL $i > $i.definition.original.sql;
diff $i.definition.original.sql $i.definition.modified.sql >> differences.diff;
#clean up
rm $i.definition.original.sql
rm $i.definition.modified.sql
# skip data
if [[ ${SKIP_TABLES[$i]} = 1 ]]
echo "skipping data for " $i;
mysqldump --skip-extended-insert --no-create-info $DB_MODIFIED $i > $;
mysqldump --skip-extended-insert --no-create-info $DB_ORIGINAL $i > $;
diff $ $ | grep -v ' Host:' >> differences.diff;
# clean up
rm $;
rm $;